Thursday, 14 February 2013

Thesp Plays - Pokemon Random Emerald Nuzlocke Part 1

Part 1: A Start To A Beautiful Friendship

Hello my followers welcome to the first installment of this written account of a let's play. I'll be playing a hacked version of Pokemon Emerald which causes all pokemon encountered to be totally randon... even the starters.

For those not familiar to the Nuzlocke rules; these are the rules I will be following

  • When I Pokemon dies it must be put into a 'GraveYard' box and left there. Pokemon that have died cannot be used during the remainder of the play-through.
  • I can only capture the first pokemon I encounter in each new area. For example I can only capture one Pokemon (if I was playing Fire Red) from Mount Moon and not from each level within Mount Moon. I must ALSO release any Pokemon I capture twice.
  • I can only heal in battle. No using potions outside of battle, however status effects CAN be healed outside of combat.
  • No using TM's
  • I must nickname every Pokemon I capture
  • No use of master balls.
  • I can use ONE revive during the ENTIRE play-through and ONLY one. 

Now we got that out of the way... Let's begin.

So why Emerald, I hear you ask? Well after 3rd gen I start to lose interest in the different pokemon types. Furthermore this is the only one I've actually completed and probably most importantly it's the only one I could find a randomizer version of.

We're firstly introduced by this wanker here. He refers to himself as Prof BIRCH (or as well shall nickname him: Pro BITCH. He tells us about all the wonders of the pokemon world and tells us that we have a very long and difficult journey ahead of us.

Being the kinda pedophile who talks to totally random kids without even knowing their name or even gender, well tell him that we are indeed of Male gender... we then have a little look at the weird person we'll be playing as... Apparently Pokemon masters like stupid hair cuts. 

Just in case you forgot, we'll be using the name Thesp for this play-through. Why they chose that names arn't longer than seven letters long, ill never know. But regardless. That's our name (arn't we getting far)
We then cut to a show of us being transported in what seems to be a delivery van, which makes sense cause we've just moved here. But has our mother not heard of health and safety. As we exity the van when it comes to a stop, we're then greeted by our mother who looks fucking chuffed to bits that we hadn't died during the journey 

 Then, in what I can only describe as the most stupid sentence I've ever heard in my life. She tells us that the MOVER'S Pokemon are MOVING us... Well not shit Mum! We then run upstairs to check on our new room and pick up our first potion, which we'll need in keeping our pokemon alive.

After coming back down stairs our mum tells us that our father (some big time Gym Leader) is on the telly, however we miss him by mere seconds. She then informs us that we have people living next door and that Prof BITCH is our fathers old friend. So we search him out.
After seeing a large building we run into it to find that it's a giant lab we ask this smart ass assistant who says that BITCH is out in the field. Upon discovering this and being up able to go out into the wild due to how fucking dangerous it is, we instead go into the house next door
There we find the cute girl named MAY, who has a pokemon. She tells us that she's been having some form of wet dream about pokemon all being her friends and that she would meet a boy like us (she totally wants the D guys, but can she handle the D?)

After having little one on one with MAY we go out into the wild to find that BITCH is having is ass handed to him by a Zigzagoon and asks us to pick a Pokemon to help him out.

 The first pokemon is a Quilava, which I would have got if I didn't feel bad about getting a Starter on the random roll (and one of the best at that) so I turn it down

 Next is a fucking Wailmer... which ... dudes, Wailmers are shite. I ain't picking that.
 Lastly is a Staryu, which I decide upon not only due to the fact I like it as a Pokemon, but also because Staryus get special attack moves REALLY early on, which will be good against rock, fire and some Lightning types. A good little pick.

Then (and I apologies dearly for this) when it comes to naming the Pokemon, we hit a glitch that forces it's name to be Staryu, however I'll change this to something else asap.

BITCH then tells us that we have to meet his Daughter further north to... well.... I suppose to chat her up. We take the time to train up on the Pokemon in the grass, one of which we find is a fucking Crocaonaw, which we kill with ease.

After a little while we learn water gun and are ready to have a little chat with MAY, probably just to hit on her, but oh well.

We then meet May who's actually trying to capture Pokemon on ROUTE 103, and asks us if we like to battle. Wanting to be a show us we show her our Staryu with mighty glee... only to find... that her best friend and starter pokemon is

A fucking Mudkip.... which we kill in two tackles. May then get's a little upset and runs back to BITCH'S Lab, and so we follow on.

We then meet BITCH who asks us to carry out research in the field. He gives us our first Pokeballs to catch pokemon and a Pokedex to record our progress. May has a little flirt saying that she'll be doing the same and that we should make it a sort of game... And we're ganna fucking win!

After running out side we're stop by the best fucking mum in the world who gives us a gift for going on an adventure, FUCKING RUNNING SHOES! We glady accept and start running around like a titless Mankey.

Then comes the moment of hope, Our first two pokemon on the two new areas, the one just out side the town, and they one north of the town... our first winner is

A FUCKING PIKACHU which we call Lil Stuner. He has a Sassy nature and is such a good start?! So very very lucky
But what could we get next?

 A FUCKING DUSKULL which we call DarkFucker. She's a quite nature, only level two but has nightshade and levitate. Such good luck for starting three (could be better, but still pretty good)

Thank you for reading this part one of this written let's play, in the mean time I'll be leveling this little guys up and ill continue once we get to the next little town on the way, I wonder who we'll meet and what awesome Pokemon we'll meet in the next areas.

My names been ThespianHunter, I'm feeling like a fucking Pokemon master... and I'll catch you on the flip side.

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