Thursday 23 May 2013

ThespianHunter's Thoughts on Difficulty in Video-Games

"Life's a journey, not a destination" - Steven Tyler

I've said as a criticism of many games, "games are meant to be played" or "I like to play my games, not watch them" and a major part of that is the difficulty of the game and how challenging it is. 

I'm by no means an expert gamer, just ask anyone who knows me. What I am is a walking talking encyclopaedic of game story (which is mostly because I love looking for hidden secrets and that I read everything that there is to read within the game). So when I can perfectly complete a game on a high difficulty I ask serious questions. Maybe it's just my experience with games and the "gamer sense" that all gamers get over time; like coming to a fork in the road and releasing that in one direction is probably a side objective or a secret.  But games are getting easier, and more story/cinematic based. So, what do I think of these, am I grabbing the bars of the cage and shouting out, or am I welcoming easier games with open arms. Well sit back, put some tunes on and come with me on a journey on my thoughts on difficulty in games.

And as always, spoilers!

Tid til å se filmen - Time to watch the movie

One defence of easy video games is so the gamer can experience more of the story in the game rather than losing all the time and getting frustrated in the playing of the same section over and over again. A fair point in my opinion. If a game is story based and you're in the middle of a very cinematic game play where a lot of things are being revealed to the player, it would be a pain in the ass to play the section about five times because you weren't fast enough. But. This to me sounds like an excuse for particular sections, sections which you couldn't tell the difference between game-play or cut-scene. 

Example if you will; The beginning of Mass Effect 2 during the destruction of the SSV Normandy.

Imagine how annoying it would be, if you made your way to the bridge and you stopped to look up and into space, when you didn't see an oxygen meter running down, and you suffocate, forcing you to replay the section again from the lower deck. Annoying, right? There it could be forgiven. You want the player the ability to look around for a bit, without having stress about dying so soon.

But say if during the Shadow Broker DLC, during the car chase, was impossible or fail, or crash during it. Taking away all the suspense and turning it into merely an interactive cut scene. I would most certainly be disappointed.

And that's the key of the subject, should video games be an interactive movie experience,  impossible to fail, but able to craft in your own way? Or should video games have a large sense of challenge and over coming that challenge? Surely that conflict is present in many different media's, not just gaming.

For this, Id refer to quite a peculiar example... Pokemon.

Only recently have I completed my first Pokemon game. Not because of difficulty (although I did find the elite four quite a challenge and always do) but I'll come to that later. The elite four portray a unique form of difficulty, the challenge. Yes, you might have made it to the last part with maybe only losing one or two battles the entire time. But here it is, the final challenge. To overcome this challenge, you may wish to put more time into, training up your Pokemon while jumping through the story line hoops along the way, like facing team rocket or other gangs. But taking down the grunts of these organisations isn't viewed as easy, it's viewed as necessary, in order to get more XP allowing later challenges to become easier.  Here you have a decent blend of "easy" game play and story.

Having a hard time, are we?

On the subject of Pokemon, I found quite a telling version of difficulty, represented, by experience level. Sure, if you go up against trainers that have higher level Pokemon than yourself, you're going to run into a little difficulty, but the thing is, They're not the highest level Pokemon in the game, in fact in some cases they're quite far from it. You, if you put in the time, can have a more powerful team making these challenges far more easier.

At the moment on Pokemon Sapphire, my team is a far lower level than the team of the final trainer. By about 10 levels in some cases. Problem being (and I've worked it out) It would take 4 hours of constant battling for one of my Pokemon to go up 10 levels, this frankly is just time I don't have.

Another example if you will, my second favourite game of all time, Fable.

Now, Fable isn't necessarily a difficult game, however it is compared to other games in the franchise. But anyway, Fable also has different experience levels and you can gain experience via doing different tasks, for example, going into the same area a couple of times and getting XP from killing different monsters. Fail a mission cause an enemy was too difficult, well you can restart from before you started and go and get more XP and make yourself more powerful. You put the time in, you can defeat the game more easier. Some view this as a time filler, I view it as a legit way of doing difficulty. Want to beat the game? Put the time in to become more powerful.

But, as always some games can get difficulty wrong, or just underestimate the power of their own game. For me, there's a game which highlights difficulty done wrong. And hopefully, this might raise a few eyebrows but raise a fair point at the same time.

Enter Black and White.

This game, around about the 4th island did a double back flip in terms of difficulty. It became a peaceful game, which could be approached at your own pace at times, (as long as you didn't let down your guard) and then BANG! Oh my god, flee, flee for your lives! It turned from, wow, this is quite the beautiful world (even though it's graphics are quite dated by current standard) into hell on a screen. Fire balls constantly (and I really mean, constantly) raining from on-high, thunderbolts periodically hitting a building which you need to protect and a dark red which petrifies everyone in your village. It's no joke that if you don't know exactly what to do at the time, you might as well accept the game over and start from scratch.

This sharp incline in difficulty has meant that I've had to replay hours of game play just to figure out what the hell to do. All hours which I enjoyed playing, but still. There's no feedback to how to defeat this threat, it's all learned by experience, almost as if the developers wanted you to play the game again. Would have been much simpler to give feedback to the player at the time. It's one thing over coming the challenge, it's another to at the same time figure out what the challenge is in the first place.

But I don't wanna play the game, I wanna watch the story.

So, a new game comes out. Bioshock infinite for example and you listen to reviewers who actually know what they're talking about and it springs up that the game play isn't all that great. Still a great story, but the game is a little lacking. So you do one of two things. You watch the game being played on Youtube, that way, you get the telling of the story without having to waste time and money by getting an only half decent game. Or, you buy the game anyway, and only play through for the story. Both are fair, both do nothing to back up that games need to get harder.

The worst by far, is buying the game anyway. You should have realised by now that it's rare for game developers to directly listen their fans. Mostly they listen to the the numbers, and the numbers listen to the money. You buy a shit game, unless thousands all speak up saying the game is shit, you're encouraging this behaviour.

Watching the game on youtube, doesn't do as much damage, but well... By saying that you're only in it for the story, the game developers will listen, best way to deal with players only wanting to see the story is to only have more story and less gameplay. You'd think they'd do the clever thing of actually working on the gameplay and make it better, but it seems a lot of game developers are not as clever as we hope.

But that's the double edged sword. An example of this. Fable 3.

I won't give a picture cause It don't deserve one.

So, Fable 2 game along and the everyone said "but the gameplay isn't as good as it used to be". And the apparent way of dealing with this was the bright idea of making the game play even worse, taking out all forms of difficulty in order to have more story. A shame, a crying shame.

But, I'm a God, why is this Mud-Crab's power level over 9000?

There's only one example that I can think of in example where gameplay negatively effects the game play, other than being shit. And that's the "rags from riches" story line. For this I use Darksiders as an example.

So, you play as one of the Horsemen of the apocalypse, a total bad ass incarnate and then you're striped of your power, forced to reclaim it via going on a long winded journey of self discovery and a path of vengeance. Problem is, yes, you've been striped of some of your power. But you've still got all that experience, which no one could take away and there it is. A low-level demon in comparison, is stronger than the horsemen of the apocalypse. Brilliant, just grand. It seems like a forced form of strategy.

So, should we, burn all easy games at the stake, refuse to play "easy" games any more  Of course not. There are evident examples of a perfect mix of gameplay and story. Mass Effect being a great example, however it's also clear that ME1 is a thousand times harder on higher difficulties than ME3. But I think it's bearable.

So should we burn easy games at the stake? Of course not, but we need to let game developers know that we;re on the lookout for a more fulfilling gameplay experience  We want things to change. We want to play our games, not watch them. If we wanted to watch games, we'd buy the Xbox: One.

That's my thoughts on difficulty in video games, If you think I've missed something or think I'm wrong in general, let me know. And if you have any positive or negative responses, let me know in the comments bellow.

My name's been ThespainHunter. I've got Balls of Steel. and Ill see you next time.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

The Xbox - One: The Worst Gaming Console Since The RCA Studio II

Xbox - One

Wow Microsoft. Wow!

No used games, Unless you want to pay a fee
The Kinect 2. Cause the Kinect was such a brilliant invention that was bestowed upon humanity
Back Ground Apps - Cause if you have a Xbox why have an Ipad or Smart Phone
New Controller... almost identical to the 360's
No backwards compatibility. All those 360 games in your collection? Might as well burn them and shit on the ashes.
You have to install the games on your hard-drive. Want a considerable collection? you've gotta buy more hardware.
No remote! Guess what kids, you can watch TV by talking to your Kinect. Someone comes in a says stop. It stops. So to be annoying to someone, you don't even have to snatch the remote.
Inferior Tech compared to PS4. Apart from of course when it comes to ramming itself down your throat from your living room
Only 15 games in the first year currently announced
Also wins the award for least "Next Gen" console considering over half of this garbage (apart from the money grabbing limitations set out to restrict gamers freedoms)  are currently in the 360

UPDATE: To the light of new information. The console isn't always on, however it does require to be connected to the internet within 24 hours. In short, it gives the illusion that it's not always on. I'm a little moot about this point, considering 24 hours is a long time to re-connect to the internet, saying if it's down for a day. But it's still a pile of horse shit.

Microsoft clearly Don't care about gamers, with this stupid decision and, what can pretty much only be described as a giant middle finger to gamers. It is pretty much impossible for Microsoft to come of less of a money grabbing child. "ooo look at me and all my money" No Microsoft. No!

So, if Microsoft doesn't care about me, as a gamer. I don't care about Microsoft. Here's some pictures of some blood sucking leeches.

My name's ThespianHunter, and I'm rather ticked off by this awful reveal.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Mass Effect Inspired Writings Part 2

After the last bunch got a not too shabby amount of reads, I figured I'd keep it going. It's actually something productive for me to do when I'm feeling particularly manic...

So, here you go another little batch... Please remember I do not own any of the intellectual property owned by Bioware or the Mass Effect writers, I'm merely someone inspired by them.

2186 CE. Day 25. Tyr mining facility 43- Asgard system- Exodus Cluster.

N7 Elite -- Delta Squad - Turian Sentinel

We ran out of ammo today. We're literally out of thermal clips, as in none can be found, and to resupply would take time we just don't have. To compensate Viki has put herself on door duty and Flaggorn is doing the tried and tested strategy of biotically charging and then falling back. I wish I could do more to help, but chain overloads and weak warps are only really good against the Brutes, who since yesterday, have decreased in number but at least I can detonate my tech-amour. 

The good thing however, is that it feels like the Reaper offensive is dying down.  Normally we see about fifteen Brutes in an throughout the day, yet today we only have two.  Furthermore the amount of Husks have dropped from two hundred to only about seventy. This could mean that they Reapers are redirecting their attack, or it could mean that they're finding a weaker location to attack us, or, worse still, they're saving their numbers to overwhelm us as we're dry on ammo. 

All worries about eaten alive by Reapers aside, I'm worried about Viki. She seemed exhausted from yesterday and she's been on door duty for a good few hours.

To top it all off, I've been throwing up. I think it was a ration I ate that wasn't suited to a dextro digestive system. I'm normally careful with the N7 rations. They normally throw anything into the bag and don't really pay much attention to whether something is suitable or not and to be honest, I was quite surprised that I've been as sick as I have been. 

Makes me laugh. Maybe the Reapers have found a way to infect food supplies? I'll soon know if I start covering Viki in armoured plating. 

Going to cut this one short. I'm going to help out at the door. Sounds like something big is hitting.

--End Log--

2186 CE. Day 27. Tyr mining facility 43- Asgard system- Exodus Cluster.

N7 Elite -- Delta Squad - Turian Sentinel

Finally got this Omni-tool working. Remember I said something about something big hitting. Turns out the Reaper got a bit fed up of waiting around to take us down via ground forces and just started opening fire. Pretty much straight after I shut down this programme it called down the power of the Spirits on us. Missed me by about a meter. 

There's not much of the facility left. The main hydrogen cell warehouse went up in a giant explosion, taking at least three thirds of the facility with it. It was so powerful it sent Flaggorn flying through the air, as well as a bunch of our equipment. We've been repairing what we can and requesting an evac. 

Turns out the alliance has more important things to worry about. Something about these giant squid like aliens showed up and started turning Reapers on each other. Tell you what, I'd love to see that.

We started celebrating this morning, after waiting at the door and nothing happening. Me and Viki... Got to know each other rather well. Flaggorn started reading these journals and started making fun of them. Didn't mention anything to Viki though considering my last few logs have 'involved her'. Quite odd- a Korgan knowing when to be socially correct. We drank our entire supply of Purple shotgun within a couple of minutes and it felt good knowing that, although we lost the facility in the end, we lived to tell the tale. 

Although I do think Flaggorn's comment about "Shepard having nothing on us" was a little over estimated. 

Nothing can take this grin off my face.
--End Log--

2186 CE. Lower wards, Citadel, Widow system, Serpent Nebula 

N7 Elite -- Delta Squad - Turian Sentinel

We got our evac after a few days of waiting around. By a Turian ship no less. We had some stories to tell the crew. I think it actually raised moral. 

This particular ship was called the "Asteroid Hunter" quite a cool ship actually. The forward cannons were something to marvel at, as well as the team slaving over them day in day out.

From what I could gather from the crew the ship was involved in a secondary push on Palaven. Their main job was to keep Reapers breezing through our defensive lines there. It mainly did this by blasting any ships with it's big cannon via hit and run attacks, making sure they were always out of range. This was a sound strategy, just not against reapers. Problem is, even the big bastard gun at the front of the ship still wasn't efficient at the ranges they needed to be to be out of range. As one of the generals demonstrated in one of the many famous engagements in battle for Palaven, the actual best strategy is to get as close as you can and out flank, due to the fact our ships have slightly faster turning speeds. Problem being of course, getting that close in the first place. This ship paid for it the hard way, when the captain chose to stupidly change the tactic mid engagements it put the ship in a vulnerable position  allowing a Reaper to get a perfect shot right across the side. The ship barely made it out of there. Apparently they were flying around with a de-pressurised lower deck. They then FTLed out and got repairs, which is where they got our evac request.

The journey wasn't too bad, didn't take that long. The beds were comfy, especially since I happened to be sharing mine with someone... 

Me and Viki have actually really been hitting it off lately. She actually introduced me to her Daughter Sarah, was actually quite funny listening to her trying to pronounce my name. It's a odd name, even for Turians. According to my father it's a name from before we even had space travel. It just means there's a lot of silent letters and clicking of the tongue involved. 

Viki's son apparently want's to join C-Sec, I told him about a few famous names I could get him in touch with if he needed some help getting in (I think it got me some major kudos with Viki...) 

It's quite odd being on the Citadel again. The last time I was on here for any stretch of time was back before the attack. It was during that brake after the mission with the indoctrinated Elcor, but that's a story for another time... 

I moved into Viki's apartment until we're drafted on another mission, which I doubt is going to too soon, considering how long we were on the last one. I'm normally the type of Turian who likes to go on missions frequently, but right now I'd like to to relax with Viki a bit. 

Flaggorn went onto another ship as soon as we made dock, didn't tell me where he was going, only that we'd be in touch. I'm going to miss that lump of biotic muscle but knowing him, he won't stay for long.

This will be the last log for a while. I'm just going to enjoy things here for a bit. 

--End Log--

Please let me know what you think, ether in the comments here or on the facebook page or where ever I decide to post these... and tell me if you want to me to cover certain things or talk about certain things, or if you just wanna tell me I suck that's cool too. 

My Name's been ThespianHunter, catch ya next time!

Friday 3 May 2013

Mass Effect Inspired Writings

Something a little different this morning. I had been reading some player created logs in one of my RP groups and I got some much needed inspiration to write. So I had a good think and thought about what I could do and the idea of doing some sort of "mass effect fan fiction" (even though I fucking hate using that term... a kind of stigma for me, calling it "fan fiction" even though that's pretty much what they are.) 

So I need somewhere I can post them, didn't want to do it on an actual community of "fan fiction writers", too much anxiety I guess. 

So this is my first shot at it...

The accounts of the N7. 

This is a selection of different writings inspired by and set within the mass effect universe, more-over, in the multiplayer section. These writings are accounts, memoirs and strategical messages and thus take many different forms of structure. Please enjoy and feel free to relay feedback to me. 

Thank you. 

Please note, I do not own any of the intellectual property owned by Bioware or the Mass Effect writers, I'm merely someone inspired by them

2186 CE. Day 23. Tyr mining facility 43- Asgard system- Exodus Cluster.

N7 Elite -- Delta Squad - Turian Sentinel

The Reapers will just not stop. It feels like I've been holding this facility for months on end, not even a General stays in the fight this long. It's been nothing but shooting Husks and Brutes as they make their way to the entrance I've officially lost count at the amount of thermal clips I've ejected out of my Valiant. 

Can't see why this facility is so important to the Reapers. So what the alliance use it to keep their hydrogen cell productivity from falling off the charts. It's not as if they need the cells! 

I'm also finding it difficult to understand why high command agreed to not only put me in this squad of solders who, putting it nicely, have a 'varied' skill threshold, but also to have us defend a mining colony so close to the sol system. I get the feeling every time I look at our long range scanners I'm going to see a few 'big fellas' (as this Krogan calls them) looking for a piece of the action. Then boom, sky fucking high, all because a few humans couldn't hold their own planet from an onslaught. 

There are six of us in total, three of which I haven't seen for a good few days since they went to repair the Macko. On front door duty there's me, Flaggorn the Krogan Vanguard and Viki; a human adept. 

Flaggorn is the kinda guy you want covering your back in a fire fight. He's got this shotgun he calls 'Sar'i'too', some sort of ancient Krogan shaman from before the Genophage, biggest dam thing I've ever seen in my life. It fires small (and I use the term 'small' loosely) super conducted metallic rods which, when they hit something metal, create a small electrical explosion creating enough electricity to incapacitate a Husk for a good couple of hours. To top it off, these rods are actually magnetic, so if you miss by a couple of inches, fear not, they'll get pulled into their target. 

Flaggorn's a good laugh too. He told me this story of back when he was serving under an Asari Spectre called "Willow", not her real name, but still pretty cool. Her biotic implant was so powerful she apparently managed to lift a thresher maw out of the ground, slam it into a cliff and brake its neck, all the while screaming "I hate worms!" 

He seems alright with me considering our people's past. Turns out he blames the Salarians more than us, still wouldn't invite me over to... Well... What ever Krogan do with their friends apart from head butting them in the face. Though I feel like we've got on pretty well. As I said earlier he's pretty good in a fire fight. 

Viki seems quiet most of the time. We've really only spoken once. Most of time she's talking to her children who live on the citadel via a long range comm unit we have in the facility. I've never seen her talking to her husband though. Every time her daughter asks where her 'daddy' is she reply's with "he's fighting to keep you safe" I feel like there's more to it than that. 

She may not talk much socially but in combat she howls like a banshee. Throwing warp charges around like it's a game and laughing to herself when she managed to throw one Brute into another. (was pretty funny though) She reminds me a lot like a human I met in the wards, what can I say, I got a thing for aliens who's legs bend like that. 

Today was pretty hectic. We were fighting constantly for about three hours. One of the Brutes managed to pick up this bolder and block off half the entrance with it, meaning that the Husks could move up further without us getting a good shot at them. I'm telling you, not even a missile could get through that rock. Viki shot bullets holes into it to make a smily face and called it "Fredrick the Happy Bolder" Eventually she managed to push it away allowing for my firing lines to open back up. Thank the spirits. 

Speaking of which ... I think there's a bottle of Purple Shotgun around here somewhere... As long as Flaggorn didn't get it it first ...

--End log--

2186 CE. Day 24. Tyr mining facility 43- Asgard system- Exodus Cluster.

N7 Elite -- Delta Squad - Turian Sentinel

Only one of the repair team made it back. He died not long after we managed to pull his limbless torso from the front of the entrance into the infirmary . A poor earth refugee, his first N7 deployment. Was a great shame. Worse yet, we have no idea if they actually managed to get the Macko repaired or not. All he kept mentioning was that the unit got ambushed on their way there by some Brutes and he'd been crawling to us since then... That was 4 days ago. 4 days, in an atmosphere you can't even breath, no arms, no legs, slowly making your way back, trying to avoid enemy contact all the while. 

I take back everything I said in the last log about some not being as good as others. His determination showed me the true meaning of skill. I engraved his name on my sniper rifle as a mark of respect; N7 Fritz Reinhard. Viki took it quite badly, she knew him before the team was even formed together. Apparently his wife had been killed during the evac of earth. He'd been through a lot, but at least he's at rest now. 

One good thing came out of today though; Viki and I finally had an actual convocation. She had just finished talking to her daughter when she started to cry. I went over to see if she was okay. Turns out my suspicions about her husband were correct. 

After the invasion of earth via Reaper forces some humans across the globe took it differently than others. Most vowed to take their home world back one day, or merely just to continue their lives, some even got inspiration from that Commander Shepard and decided to change their lives around. Her husband however? Well, he felt almost guilty about the whole thing. She said he worked on the Luna base, the comm station no doubt, but booked an 'extended weekend away' due to an affair he was having at the time with another woman. 

He felt like if he had been faithful, he would have been at work and thus could have saved civilians via an earlier warning. So he took his own life. Not seeming to care what effect it would have on the family he would leave behind, selfish bastard. 

Well... It's getting late, and I feel like I haven't slept in a couple of days, seems to be me always doing the night watch. 

--End Log-- 

Please let me know what you think... and whether you'd be interested in reading more...

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Dragon Age II Belated Review

Hello and welcome to ThespianHunter Blog. Where I chat shit about games, films, table top games and a whole bunch of useless crap we call entertainment. So.. new computer. Is amazing. A thousand times better than the old heap of junk I had before. Now one of the problems I had with that computer is that AAA releases that come out on PC past a certain date were almost impossible for me to play on my PC. The biggest example of a game I brought for my PC yet I couldn't play was Dragon Age II.

 I loved the first one with a passion and it reminded me of everything that I love about RPG's, games with a fantasy setting and pretty much anything Bioware have ever made. I played it constantly when it came out and loved every moment. (apart from the end boss) 

So almost 2 years after Dragon age 2's release. I've been able to play it and it was pretty much the only thing I played for about 3 days... and I finished it. Since I started another character... which I'm apparently half way through with.... but we'll get onto that.

So this is the start of a new type of post I'll be doing called "Thesp's Belated Reviews" The aim of these would be to tell you whether or not I think, later down the line when the price for a game has gone down, whether or not I think its worth of purchase, whether I think it was worth it's original price tag AND whether or not I think this should be added to a hall of fame and you should slap me across the face for not getting this game sooner...

Ill be doing this via 5 chapters.
Looky Looky - how does the game look, sound etc?

clicky clicky - how does the game play, what's the (in this case) combat like,? Where do you go, what do you fight?
Fluffy Fluffy! - what's the story, characters, setting etc. like?
YAY or Nay! - Did I have fun with it, was it entertaining
So what do I think - Pretty much what it says on the tin

Before I go on, just remember, that Although these are called reviews, Id never count myself as a reviewer, these are my PERSONAL FEELINGS about this game, and ALL VIDEO GAMES are completely subjective.

Oh yeah and... SPOILERS!!

So without further ado, let's start our first ever Belated Review- Dragon Age 2

Chapter 1- Looky Looky

Let me start by saying, that this game most of the time, looks beautiful. The city of Kirkwall is the best looking city I've seen in a fantasy game for the longest time. The character models are STUNNING throughout as do the adversaries you'll be fighting. As for sound assets this is standard Bioware affair. The music sets the mood perfectly, the sound effects  immerse you in the world totally and the voice acting that is produced by a Bioware studio sets the standard for all other studios. You are constantly immersed throughout and you'll often take the time to listen to that musical score or replay a section of dialogue.

If this was a TV series, Id watch it twice and buy it on Bluray. If you expected anything less, Flemeth will piss on you from a great hight!

Chapter 1's conclusion - Game looks and sounds great.

Chapter 2 - Clicky Clicky

The game plays identically to how the first game did. You right click and your character will automatically attack and you have a set amount of skills that you can use in the very standard RPG affair. If you've ever played an MMORPG you get the same sorta feel. HOWEVER. When compared to MMO combat this blows it out of the water. Although you can't roll out of the way, you can dodge attacks via moving quickly out of the way and every attack feels satisfying to use. Doing a spin attack with your huge axe and chopping everyone around in in half has never been so satisfying.

You can also have up to three companions who follow you around to help out out. While most of the time they'll have very similar skills to you if you played their class, every companion has their own special skill tree that only they have. This can be stuff like being a master assassin or being possessed by a vengeful spirit who looks after other party members (we'll come back to these character later) You can, during combat, allow switch from your character and play as one of your companions. The only benefit to this is being able to have faster reaction times that the computer AI or if you want someone to do something specific.

When you're not micromanaging your companions you can set the a select "tactic" to do. This can be like healing a specific party member when their health falls bellow a certain amount, using an ability when confronted with a certain enemy or even just getting the fuck out of dodge when being attacked by something of a certain size. This mechanic means that your companions are NEVER useless. In fact, the AI due to this system is the best ever. Never do a shout "Merrill you idiot!" but instead I have a soft sigh of relief and think to myself "thank fuck I have Merrill". When a character is being an idiot, you can safely say that it was because you didn't give them enough/the right tactics.

The majority of the game is set in one place. Kirkwall. Don't like the city? Well... tough. There are a few places in the wilderness to go, as well as one location in the deep roads. However that's really about it. In this sense this was a major downgrade from the first game. And is actually a real shame. It would have been nice to at least seen other city.

Enemy variety is a mixed bag as well. The standard fare of Dark spawn, Dragons Demons and bandits make its return.  Qunari have been totally redesigned and feature as an enemy for a short while in this game. I was rather disappointed to not have them as the big bad, even though they're set up to be for a while... Ill come back to that...

The problem is however. There really isn't much (for me anyway) enemy variety here. You end up seeing all the different enemy types by half way through chapter 2. And... well... Let me direct your attention to this picture...

This is a picture from the back cover of the PC case. It's featured at the upper right of the case bellow the blerb. What is this enemy you ask? How many times do you fight it? What's it's back story? Well... it's the penultimate boss. Right at the end of the game. I wont spoil who it is. But that... right there... You fight once. Right at the end... I was REALLY looking forward to killing that thing. And the fight isn't that much of a let down. But to me, this is a very cheeky marketing move... Shame on you...

Now.. this next point kinda links to the next chapter but. As you well know, the staple in a lot of bioware games is the famous dialogue  wheel. And it makes a return in this game. Now to start with, it's nothing out of the ordinary. You can respond in a different way, the voice acting will accompany this decision and this will effect the story, how characters interact with you and ultimately, how a quest forms out and what reward you get. However, keyed into the gameplay is an addition to this normal set up which I adore.

Picking a particular opinion, for example with my character, being a sarcastic jack ass. Will play into how the character feels and even how he acts when he's left to his own devices. When playing as him he would drop a one liner in combat, as well as put jokes into neutral lines of dialogue to mirror how I've been playing him. For example, being the Han Solo type, his highest motivation would be getting some sort of reward for what he's doing. This would mean that when left for this own devices he would open a chest first instead of attacking an enemy. Seems annoying, but it was brilliant.

There's a little crafting here and there, but you'll never really need to do it. Why? Well... this game shares a problem that I have with another game called GTA4. What is this problem?

MONEY! All the money! The most expensive thing I found in this game, was 10 gold pieces, 27 silver and 14 copper. The problem is, by HALF WAY through the game I had 108 gold 99 Silver and 10 Copper. IF you're going to have that much money in a game, by the half way mark, give me something to spend it on. I found myself only buying supplies at the beginning and end of each chapter (of which there are 3.) and then all the time saving ridiculous amounts of money. It's bad enough that a quest reward for the end of chapter 1 is 70 gold and it's really not hard to spend the 50 gold to go on the expedition at the end of chapter 1. So yeah... for me a bit of a let down.

Chapter 2 conclusion- Good game play, okay enemy variety, Really good mechanics, bad monetary system little to no focus on making your own gear the best AI I've seen in a while from companion characters.

Chapter 3. Fluffy Fluffy. (this is ganna be a long one people)

Story- The story is set out as the account of one of your companions years after the events of the game have transpired. The seeker Cassandra (the over the top eastern European hotty from the Dragon age Anime film Dawn of the seeker) is trying to find out as much as she can about Hawke and his/her effects on a major event

(if you don't like spoilers SKIP NOW!!! OH GOD SKIP NOW, DESE PLOT TWISTS OMG BRA! )
 Last chance... Go... Quick

She's trying to find out whether or not he (I'll be referring to Hawke as him) was to blame for the current Mage Vs Templar mini war that's rocking the world at its foundation. Depending on how you effect certain events in the story via your decisions effect her final conclusion on Hawke and whether or not she should blame him for everything or wish to find him to resolve the situation (if he can)

As Hawke we follow his rags to riches story, his family and their hardships as well as different companions we meet along the way, including Merrill.

(better than Tali in every way, yet I do get a lot of Tali vibes from this character and although she will probably only be in this game :(. Ah well. She's welsh, what can I say! Although if I hear her say "by the dread wolf" one more time I'm going to throw my Daemon Mouse at the wall, honestly, it makes "Calibrations" sound like a punch line)

Along the way (a 5 year journey which takes us past events of the first dragon age) We meet Templars , crazy mages, Flemeth and others as we unravel mysteries and settle political airfares.

Although I really enjoyed the story I felt as if it was too short and would, oddly benefit from actually being part of its own series and have certain elements fleshed out more. I often felt rushed into things at times, and would have liked to have got to know certain elements of the story more ... I just wanted more. I didn't feel at the end that I had my fill, I wanted seconds. and when they weren't given, I complained to the chief. To find that he was done with this certain dish.

What is there however is, for me anyway, quite enjoyable. However I would think that someone who never played or even heard of the first game may be a little lost. There's an opportunity to import you dragon age 1 save to have certain elements that you chose to happen, happen in this game. (There's even a joke when King Alistar tells his uncle "He has a name you know..." only to have the convocation drift off at the end ...

Characters- There are so many here worthy of note, It would literally be me sucking the **** of the Bioware writers till it turned blue! I'm going to go over a select few of my favourites.

Starting with... Merrill

My personal favourite character. The little welsh knife ears is a blood mage wanting to unlock the past of her people. This means that a lot of the time she's bumping heads with her clan who view not only her to be dangerous but also a danger to the clan as a hole. Which has being sent to accompany Hawke in his adventures.

In terms of story arch here, it can go multiple ways. Though what I ended up doing was treating her as a romantic choice. She, during her story, finds out the dangers of blood magic, dooms her clan to total extinction and cries a bit. It's here where the rushed nature of the game is MOST evident. And for this. I'd like to point towards a character in another Bioware game.

Garrus Vakarian. The Turian Space bad ass.

Garrus is up there with my top 10 best video game characters ( I might do a top 10 list one day, and he might be up there at the top) He's super detailed, he's a smooth talking flirt, he's everything you wanna be times a thousand. He has touched the hearts of many a female gamer and in a Bioware poll on companion characters, not only was he the most used by everyone in mass effect 3. But he was also the least likely to fall in battle... See, even his AI was bad ass! 

Now Merrill could be as good as Garrus in terms of character. But She'd need to do what Garrus did, get past the first game blues.

In Mass Effect 1. The character was at times not as fleshed out as he could have been, he was also back then, not even considered to be a romantic choice, There was even a option for gamers to not take him at all if they didn't want to. 

Then the fine writers over at Bioware saw the opinion on him and developed what people wanted to see. His writer put hours upon hours of time fleshing out the character which turned him to a good character, into a great character. Mass effect 3 took this the extra step making Garrus, in my opinion one of the greatest characters of all time.. BUT if you would have asked me at the end of Mass effect 1... I would have said that he's ... alright I guess... 

That's the problem with MOST of the characters here (thought Id make this point with Merrill cause it effects her character the most) It comes back to my saying "There's only so much you can polish a turd before you get shit all over your hands" 

Merrill to be truly a great character needs more development. She needs more time for players to experience her story. But here... It seems rushed. we're rushed into knowing her and not given enough time for us to catch our breath. 

Now I know what you're saying "But ThespianHunter... DRAGON AGE 3" but the way this story is structured and forms its conclusion (as well as how the story of Dragon age 1 was treated) indicates to me that characters in the next game may only get a mention UNLESS Hawke is the main character... if this is the case... I shall spend a week in my house celebrating.

Conclusion of Merrill - best character in my opinion... but needs more time to be fleshed out.. she seemed rushed, which is a real shame.


Anders for me, is a brilliant example of why Bioware characters are the staple for all good characters in video games.

Anders is an Ex-Grey Warden, the individuals put in the defence of the world from the blight, they literally have the blood of dark spawn in them and are cursed with vision on what they're doing... it's pretty shit.

But this is a small shade of how fucked up Anders is... You see... in the fade (the plane where Mages get there power (much like the warp from Warhammer 40K) Anders met a spirit of Justice, who possessed him, and now they share conciousness. This results in Anders having major split personality disorder and makes him stronger than any mage twice fold... It also means that if anyone found out this fact, he would be pretty screwed over. Anders is not only a strong believer in the rights of mages... but he's also (SPOILER) the root of the problem that causes the war between Mages and Templars. He also likes cats. To the point where he puts milk out for kittens.

His story arch is very deep and there are twists and turns around every corner. The voice acting is second to none, both for Anders and Justice. The writers truly did a magnificent job with this character. SO SO good. BUT! Yet again, could have benefited with more time, there are moments where he seemed really rushed. I just wanted to keep clicking on him to find out what he thought, yet his opinion wouldn't have changed.

All in all. Story -Okay/good yet rushed. Characters - amazing, but because they're rushed they're okay/good. 

Chapter 4 - Yay or Nay.

Hopefully a picture has been painted. And you can probably tell that I did enjoy my time with the game. Although its not as good as the game which came before.. It's pretty good.  I would have liked maybe this been turned into two games rather than just the one. But the story of Dragon age is very deep and it can be forgiven that Bioware would want to move onto other things.

Now this game, has received negative review from gamers and critics. And I can kinda understand where they're coming from. But I think that some of this may be missed place in my opinion. I very much enjoyed my time with this game... but this is 2 years on... I paid £10 for this game. Back on release. The game was a full priced release (about £40 if memory doesn't betray me) (I sold the game when it didn't work and then got it again recently)  is this game worth £40. In my opinion. No. It's got very very good production values. I would personally fork out the extra £30 just because its a Bioware game, sad but true. And that's a testament to Bioware. that I as a customer, because they did it, I would pay full price.

However... the fact of the matter is. The end pay off is poor, the story and characters seemed rushed and as a result so does the monetary system and certain game mechanics.

So. Final thoughts. I would rate this game pretty well in my personal opinion. If you like Bioware games, or like RPG's in general then you've probably already played it. However if you missed it. Its probably worth a belated look. Does this rank high in my personal fan of video games? Probably not, although I like the characters... Maybe I'll read a few fan fics !

So there you have it. My belated look at Dragon Age 2. Tell me what you thought of the game? Or even drop me a suggestion of what I should do a belated review of next? Let me know

My name's been ThespianHunter, Id be Merrill's sheep any day! And Ill catch you next time.

Hey! ThespianHunter! Where you been bro!?

Hey! ThespianHunter! Where you been bro!?

Hello readers. Welcome to an apology letter from me, ThespianHunter. So for those who are wondering if I've given up, don't franticly read my Facebook etc... This is where I've been.

COMPUTER DIED. It actually died, as well as everything on it. Now what exactly does this mean?

Pokemon random will ether be completely stopped or restarted. Not only was the save data and the game lost for ever. But also about 5 posts worth of pictures that I was ready to write about... You missed me catching an Oh-Ho

I have a better computer now. So the let's play/news channel will be sooner rather than later. 

New shit to come on this blog. New possibilities including written accounts of PlanetSide 2 or even video clips captured by my merry old self.

As an apology for the sudden end of the written account of Pokemon. Here's my top 4 from each generation. In order, left to right.

Coming very very soon.... Dragon Age 2 belated review.